Here you can find a short description for each of the constants beginning with RO_. For more information on each option, go here.
Defines a set of flags that can be used to set regex options. They can be combined using the bitwise-or (|) operator.
Name | Description | Value |
NONE | No additional options | 0 |
IGNORE_CASE | Spcifies case-insensitive matching | 1 |
MULTILINE | Changes the meaning of ^ and $ to match beginning and end of line | 2 |
EXPLICIT_CAPTURE | Capture only named groups | 4 |
COMPILED | Compiled the regex to an assembly | 8 |
SINGLELINE | Makes (.) match all characters, including \n | 16 |
IGNORE_PATTERN_WHITESPACE | Eliminates pattern whitespace and enables comments | 32 |
RIGHT_TO_LEFT | Searches start from the right | 64 |
ECMA_SCRIPT | Enables ECMAScript-compliant behaviour for the expression | 256 |
CULTURE_INVARIANT | Culture differences in language are ignored | 512 |